The new Chief Executive Officer meets with the media
More than a month after his appointment as Chief Executive Officer, Robert Moreau met with the media during a press briefing held at UNI’s head office in Caraquet.
Confirming his departure from the Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick’s presidency, Robert Moreau stated that he wishes to fully dedicate himself to this new challenge and thank UNI’s Board of Directors for trusting him. “These are significant responsibilities. Thanks to the work of all those pioneers who came before me, the institution which I now have the honor to lead represents the province’s francophone and Acadian people. Today more than ever, UNI is an important part of New Brunswick’s sustainable economic development and social fabric,” said the new CEO.
His priorities as he starts his new mandate
According to the new leader, since UNI has now met all the requirements to become more effective and modern, it is time to deliver the goods. “We must dedicate all energy towards customer experience. It is my main focus and, therefore, the organization’s main focus. We must ensure that all employees show up to work with this one priority: customer experience! When our customers are satisfied, it means that we are successfully running this business and we all benefit from it since we are influencing the Acadian community’s sustainable development,” emphasized Mr. Moreau.
Within the next few weeks, the CEO will concentrate on shaping his team to ensure an even more effective customer service experience. In order to better position the institution and reach its goals, a new internal structure for the head office will be presented to the Board of Directors next February. Furthermore, as Chief Executive Officer, he is committed to taking into consideration all of the territory’s realities in order to recognize the three administrative regions covered by UNI. “Being from the North-West, having lived in the South-East and now residing in the North-East, I am sensitive to all those different realities. It will be important for me to include them in our business approach,” stated Robert Moreau.
Growing with his employees
Boasting the undeniable talent of the employees he had the pleasure to interact with during his time as Corporate Services Vice-President, he is committed to using his leadership role to help all 1,000 employees continue to grow because “an organization thrives when the people taking part in it are also thriving,” said Mr. Moreau. “Many achievements bear witness to UNI’s capacity as an employer and I believe that we are as good as the quality of employees we can attract or keep. It will be important to raise the bar even higher for the good of the organization and, by extension, for the good of the member-customer. Finally, I sincerely believe that we have all the reasons in the world to be proud of the Acadian institution that UNI has become,” concluded the new CEO.
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About UNI Financial Cooperation
With its $3.7 billion in assets and thanks to the support of its 1,000 employees, the organization, founded in 1936, is the most important Acadian financial institution. In this respect, it makes sure to inspire, support and finance the individual and collective heritage of New Brunswickers. For more information, visit UNI’s Website at
For further information
Mario Griffin
Communications and Public Relations Consultant
UNI Financial Cooperation
Telephone: 506 726-4785 | Cellular: 506 724-0078